Why Many Are Investing In Piggery

Piggery is a lucrative business in livestock production.  Pigs provide an important source of meat (pork) and are in hot demand especially in festive periods. 
There are several reasons why many are turning to pig farming to secure financial independence. One peculiar characteristic of pigs is that they bear many offspring at a time and multiply fast. 
A mature female pig (sow) can give birth to as many as 15 young ones (piglets) at a time and gives birth two times a year. That translates to a lot of money at any stage they are sold. No other livestock can multiply as fast as that. It is easy to feed because it eats all the things human beings eat. All the kitchen wastes that are usually thrown away can be converted to pig food.
Pigs have high resistance to common diseases, unlike other livestock. Again, pigs can easily adapt to any situation and are very easy to rear. It is the toast of celebrators and party organisers because a mature pig yields a lot of flesh, one big pig can serve hundreds.
A male adult pig is called a boar while the female adult pig is referred to as a sow. The baby pig is called a piglet or farrow while a group of pigs is known as a herd or drove